font trump instructions


| How to play |

Any number of people can play.

1: Shuffle and deal an equal amount of cards to players face down.

2: Hold your cards face up so you can see the top card only.

3: The player to the dealers left goes first.

4: Read out a stat from the top card. For example,  Aesthetics 7. The other players then read out their stat for Aesthetics.

5: The player with the highest number, wins that round.  Place the cards from the previous round, including your own, to the back of the pack.

6: It's your turn to choose a stat from the next card.

7: If two of the cards share the same value, then place the matching cards down on a surface somewhere, and turn over your next cards, using the same stat. Keeping doing so until a player wins.  The winner of this round takes all the cards.

8: The person with all the cards at the end wins the game.

(If you're short of time, you can play the discard rule, which means any losing cards are simply removed from the game.  The last person left with cards in their hands, wins!)

Have fun!